Great Horned owletThe Wildlife Center has shifted to its Spring/Summer operating hours and is now open Monday through Friday 9:00-6:00 and weekends 9:00-4:00pm.  Sunday was  the first full day of spring and it is quite appropriate that a baby Great Horned owl became the 1000th intake of the year.  Raptor babies, especially Great Horned Owls are usually one of the first babies to make their appearance each year. This year we were several weeks into baby squirrels before the Great Horned owlets began showing up at intake. Great Horned Owl group
This month has kept the Center staff, veterinarians, and  volunteers very busy treating and feeding hundreds of squirrels and opossums.  The squirrels seemed to fall out of nests when strong winds blew through in March. The Center is also caring for over a hundred  little baby opossums who were kept alive by the protection of a mother’s pouch, when moms were run over by vehicles.  While we are sad the moms did not make it, their heritage is carried on by these resilient little ones.  Caring volunteers not only provide these orphans food and shelter, but do so in a manner that keeps them wild so they have the best chance at survival when they are returned to the wild.
mourning dove baby
Baby doves are beginning to show up at the Wildlife Center. They will soon be followed by songbirds and Killdeer. Hopefully, the squirrel and opossum babies will have eased off before the birds hit their peak.

vets bobcatA young female bobcat was brought to the Wildlife Center who was hit by a car. She has a severe head injury.  Wildlife Center veterinarians checked the bobcat out and she was found to have an eye injury as well as several check bone fractures.  She is on medications and is eating well.  It is hoped she will be released within a month.
armadilloAnother interesting intake was a baby armadillo who was found running down a road.  He was very emaciated and had several scrapes on his side.  He too is eating well and should make a full recovery.

Other interesting animals currently at the Wildlife Center include a crow, several migrating warblers, and the last of the large raptors who are healing from winter time injuries.  Volunteers working in the native garden outside the Wildlife Center entrance have already reported the mockingbirds and blue jays are staking our their bushes for nests.

Remember to tell those interested in helping our native wildlife that the Center accepts volunteers from ages 16 up.  The orientation is the second Saturday of every month but you must register by emailing Those who can not physically volunteer can provide much needed support in donations of both money and supplies.  Please visit our website for a list of supplies.
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